How to join

  • MAATJ is one of the officially affiliated regional organizations of American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ).

  • You can join MAATJ by becoming a member of AATJ.

  • Membership in AATJ is on a calendar-year basis (from January 1 to December 31 each year) and entitles you to many benefits. Please see the list from here.

  • Please join AATJ/MAATJ from here

  • If you are already a member of AATJ and would like to join MAATJ, please submit the form here

    AATJ Membership Fee (Jan - Dec)
    Individual Regular Membership: $50
    Institution Membership (Library only): $100
    Student Membership: $30

Why become a member?

  • You will receive AATJ and MAATJ Newsletter and other information including job announcements, scholarship/grant information.

  • You can sponsor the National Japanese Honor Society for your students.

  • You will be informed of various resources provided by our business partners and associates such as the Japanese Embassy in Washington DC, Japan Commerce Association of Washing DC, Japan American Society of Washington DC, Foreign Language Association of Virginia, Japan Foundation.

  • You will be informed of upcoming foreign language conferences, events, meetings, etc. in the Washington metropolitan area, Maryland, and Virginia. The information is what is happening in nearby areas to the members.   

  • You can advertise news, ads, and wanted to the members through the MAATJ newsletter, this website, and MAATJ social media (Facebook, Instagram).

  • You can network with other teachers for support, sharing and friendship cross all levels from elementary to college level teaching.

  • Your students can participate in the annual Nengajo contest.

  • Your students can participate in the haiku contest sponsored by MAATJ.

  • Your students can participate in the annual nation-wide contest such as Nengajo contest, Japan Bowl and J-LIVE TALK.

  • The first time participants to the FLAVA/MAATJ conference will receive the MAATJ grant.

  • You can meet and network with Japanese teachers in the area and be a part of the supporting group of Japanese Education in the area.

    Surfing Teachers and Student sections of the website and Check out more possible benefits!

How to advertise on MAATJ media platforms

  1. Be a MAATJ/AATJ member

  2. Prepare ONE image and a message to the members. A PDF flyer is ideal but optional.

  3. Send that to

  4. The deadline to be added in MAATJ monthly newsletter is the 10th of the month prior to the issue.

Before you submit it, we ask you to read this guideline and let us know if you have any questions. MAATJ follows the guideline upon your submission.