Professional Development

FLAVAでの日本語セッション、その他のワークショップやフォーラムなど、MAATJ主催のイベントの参加者にはProfessional Development Certificate (PDC)を出すことができます。ご希望の方は、イベント参加後こちらをご記入ください。

Teacher Spotlight

Shoko Hamano





Foreign Minister’s Commendation for FY 2023
Dr. Shoko Hamano

Professor Emeritus of Japanese and International Affairs,
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The George Washington University

On August 16, 2023 (Japan Time), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan announced the recipients of the Foreign Minister’s Commendations for FY 2023. Dr. Shoko Hamano is among this year’s foreign recipients. She will receive the Commendation in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the promotion of Japanese language education in the United States of America.

 Dr. Hamano has made significant contributions to Japanese language education and Japan-U.S. friendship over her more than 40-year teaching career in the United States and 30 years at George Washington University. In addition to her work as a professor, Dr. Hamano plays an active role in planning and organizing Japanese language events in the region, and has contributed to training Japanese language learners who will play a positive role in the future of Japan-U.S. relations.

 Every year, the Foreign Minister’s Commendations are awarded to individuals and groups with outstanding achievements in international fields, in order to acknowledge their contributions to the promotion of friendship between Japan and other countries and areas. The Commendations also aim to promote the understanding and support of the Japanese public for the activities of the recipients.

Professor Emeritus of Japanese and International Affairs
George Washington University

Teacher Spotlight

Yukiyo Moorman


2023年4月29日 (日本時間)、日本政府は令和5年春の叙勲受章者を発表しました。受章者の中に、メリーランド州モンゴメリー郡ウォルトウィットマン高校の日本語教師で、AATJ/MAATJの会員のモーマン行世先生がいらっしゃいました。モーマン先生は、米国における日本語の普及に寄与した功績が認められ、旭日単光章を受章することとなりました。モーマン先生は、5月15日、東京で行われる叙勲式にご出席され、その後、皇居に移動され、天皇陛下に拝謁されたそうです。モーマン先生、おめでとうございます!

2023 Spring Conferment of Decoration
Japanese Language Teacher at Walt Whitman High School
Yukiyo Moorman

On April 29, 2023 (Japan Time), the Government of Japan announced the 2023 Spring Conferment of Decorations, with Ms. Yukiyo Moorman, being one of the recipients. In recognition of her contributions towards promoting Japanese Language in the United States, she will receive the Order of the Rising Sun, Silver Rays. 

  • DECORATION: The Order of the Rising Sun, Silver Rays

  • SERVICE: Contributed to promoting Japanese Language in the United States

  • NAME: Yukiyo Moorman


    • Japanese Language Teacher at Walt Whitman High School

    • Former President, Japanese Americans' Care Fund

  • ADDRESS (NATIONALITY): Maryland (United States of America)



Yukiyo Moorman, Japanese Language Teacher at Walt Whitman High School, has been engaged in Japanese language education in the United States for over 40 years and has contributed to the development of Japanese language education and the fostering the next generation of Japanese language teachers. She has also made significant contributions towards the promotion of Japanese language education outside of Montgomery County during her time serving as a member of the Japanese language exam development committee for the College Board, an organization which is responsible for the development and administration of higher education curricula throughout the United States.

Teacher at Montgomery County Public Schools

Members in Action

MAATJ members participated in the SJA's Spring Japan Festival. The Study Japanese in Arlington (SJA), previously known as ‘Save Japanese in Arlington’ is the organization comprised by students, parents, teachers and the area supporters of the Japanese education. They successfully reversed the county administrator’s decision of cutting the Japanese programs in Arlington, VA! JSA continues their advocacy events and activities in the DC/VA area, keeping the vibrant Japanese learning community. We were impressed that so many people were interested in learning Japanese, studying in Japan, and teaching Japanese!

FLAVA Fall Conference

In collaboration with the FLAVA board members, MAATJ hosts the Japanese sessions of the FLAVA Fall conference. MAATJ also holds the annual business meeting at the conference. The conference is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your project or research, meet with other MAATJ members and learn activity reports and updates of your MAATJ.

The first time conference attendees who are also a MAATJ member are eligible for the MAATJ ‘welcome to MAATJ Award’! The Award recipients will be announced at the annual business meeting.

FLAVA Conference
Japanese session program at FLAVA